The Road to Peace begins with Israel complying with U.N. Resolution 242, meaning Israel withdrawing from the Palestinian territories, ending their long, illegal military blockade of Gaza by land, air and sea, and recognizing and respecting Palestinians’ legal lawful Right of Return; see, U.N. Resolution 242.
Israel’s compliance with U.N. Res. 242 is absolutely necessary for the Palestinian people to be able to form their own state on their own land.
The entire world, including the U.S. maintain the position that Israel must comply with U.N. Res. 242 or there never will be peace.
However, the U.S. consistently votes AGAINST STATEHOOD for the Palestinian people at the United Nations General Assembly and repeatedly casts the ONLY NO VOTE in the U.N. Security Council.
President Biden and Kamala Harris both claim they support a two-state solution, DESPITE THE FACT the Biden Admin has consistently voted AGAINST statehood each and every time.
Upon closer inspection of Biden’s claim of support for statehood, Biden supports Netanyahu’s vision of a “demilitarized state” of Palestine – which means no state at all of course.

When Joe Biden visited with Netanyahu in Israel, Joe probably complained to Bibi about the immense politic pressure bearing down on Joe at home about supporting statehood for the Palestinians.
Netanyahu told Biden that he supports Palestinian statehood – a “demilitarized state” of Palestine, which means Israel continuing their military blockade of Gaza indefinitely.
Joe went back home and taught Kamala Netanyahu’s word game: Kamala, we support statehood – a “demilitarized state of Palestine.”
Kamala handlers already taught her to call for the complete disarming of the Palestinian people and turn their lives over to Israel. See the video:
Americans never hear about Hamas seeking peace with Israel based on Palestinian statehood on the June 4, 1967 borders – 06/04/1967, the day before Israel invaded Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem on the morning of June 5, 1967.
Paul Schutzer, 37, American photographer for Life magazine, was killed in a battle in the Negev desert while traveling with the Israeli Army to cover the war. Another American newsman, NBC producer Ted Yates, was fatally wounded the same day while accompanying the Israeli invasion of East Jerusalem and died the next day. Ben Oyserman, an Israeli photographer on assignment for the Canadian Broadcasting Company, was killed the next day when he accidentally tripped a booby trap.
June 8, 1967 (Thursday)

- Thirty-four U.S. Navy sailors aboard the spy ship USS Liberty were killed, and 171 wounded, when the vessel was strafed by Israeli jet fighters and then torpedoed by Israeli gunboats while in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea about 15 miles from the Sinai peninsula. The air attack by Mirage jets began at 1210 UTC (2:10 p.m. local time) and the ship was torpedoed 25 minutes later.[54] Eight American attack planes from the aircraft carriers USS America and USS Saratoga were en route to engage the Israelis in combat when the word came from Israel that the attack on the Liberty had been made by mistake.[55]
- Two major massacres took place in the Sinai peninsula. The El Arish massacre took place first. According to the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, the Israeli Defense Forces killed more than 550 Egyptian soldiers, both prisoners of war and wounded soldiers in El Arish.
- Survivors alleged later that about 400 wounded Egyptians were buried alive outside the captured El Arish International Airport, and that 150 prisoners in the mountains of the Sinai were run over by Israeli tanks.
- The Ras Sedr massacre, a mass murder of approximately 1,000 Egyptian prisoners of war, took place later in the day, immediately after a paratrooper unit of the Israel Defense Forces conquered Ras Sedr.
Israel has been illegally occupying Gaza, the West Bank and east Jerusalem since the same year Joe Rogan, Jimmy Kimmel, Will Ferrell, Vanilla Ice and other jackasses were born.

Hamas presents new charter accepting a Palestine based on 1967 borders
Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor – 01 May 2017
Hamas has unveiled a new political programme softening its stance on Israel by accepting the idea of a Palestinian state in territories occupied by Israel in the six-day war of 1967.
The new document states the Islamist movement it is not seeking war with the Jewish people – only with Zionism that drives the occupation of Palestine.
The new document also insists that Hamas is a not a revolutionary force that seeks to intervene in other countries, a commitment that is likely to be welcomed by other states such as Egypt.
The policy platform was announced by the head of the movement’s political bureau, Khaled Meshal, at a press conference in Doha. “Hamas advocates the liberation of all of Palestine but is ready to support the state on 1967 borders without recognising Israel or ceding any rights,” he said.

The move comes just two days before a White House meeting between Donald Trump and Mahmoud Abbas, whose Fatah movement remains at odds with Hamas.
But according to diplomatic sources, the new document has been in preparation for years and has been the subject of intense debate between the various Hamas factions in Gaza, in exile and in prison.
Although it does not explicitly supplant the previous charter of the founding fathers, seen by many as racist, it is being described by those seeking to help Hamas toward a more peaceful path as the contemporary summary of Hamas beliefs and aims.
Israel rejected the document before its full publication, with a spokesman for the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, saying: “Hamas is attempting to fool the world, but it will not succeed.”
Ed Royce, the chair of the House foreign relations committee, said: “Until Hamas recognises Israel’s right to exist, its words are meaningless. I will see to it that Hamas remains designated a terrorist organisation as long as it continues to launch rocket attacks against Israeli civilians, remains an Iranian proxy, and engages in other acts that threaten the US and Israel.”
But some influential diplomatic figures will seek to persuade Trump’s Middle East advisers that the document at least shows there is the potential for a peace settlement based on the recent regional push led by Egypt. It may also open the way for international investors to start rebuilding basic services in Gaza, and end the blockade.
In the biggest concession, the new document states that Hamas “considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of 4 June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus”.
By implication, the document accepts that there will be another state entity outside these borders, even if it does not mention Israel.
Previously the movement’s leaders have given verbal commitments to the more limited aim of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, but the aim has never been put formally in writing.
Hamas, which wrested control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 from the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority – controlled by Fatah. Since then, all efforts since to reconcile the two Palestinian factions have faltered.
The new Hamas document essentially brings the two sides closer to the same negotiating objective.
The policy statement asserts: “Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.”
Critics of Hamas will point out the document rejects the Oslo accords, and asserts that resistance for the liberation of Palestine will remain “a legitimate right, a duty and an honour”, adding “armed resistance is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and rights of the Palesinian people”.
The new charter also abandons past references claiming Hamas is part of a pan-national Muslim Brotherhood, to which it was closely linked when formed.
This aspect of the statement could improve the currently difficult relations with the Egyptian government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who as army chief overthrew his Islamist predecessor, Mohamed Morsi, in 2013 and has since led a bloody crackdown on the Brotherhood.
Hamas had been planning to present the charter at the Intercontinental hotel in the Qatari capital of Doha, but the hotel canceled, prompting Hamas to rush to find an alternative location, eventually holding the event at the Doha Sheraton.
In advance of the publication, Netanyahu’s office said: “Hamas’s document is a smokescreen. We see Hamas continuing to invest all of its resources not just in preparing for war with Israel, but also in educating the children of Gaza to want to destroy Israel.”
“The day Hamas stops digging tunnels and diverts its resources to civilian infrastructure and stop educating children to hate Israelis, that would be real change,” the statement said.
Ismail Haniyeh, the Gaza-based deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau, said at an event in the Gaza Strip on Sunday that “the new document will undermine neither our principles nor our strategy. Jerusalem, the right of return, Palestinian unity and the resistance forces are fundamental principles. The changes relate to regional developments, and suit the era.”

The Palestinian Authority has told the Biden administration that it is open to a governance role in post-Hamas Gaza if the United States commits to a full-fledged two-state solution to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to a top official of its parent, the Palestine Liberation Organization.
The official, Hussein al-Sheikh, the P.L.O.’s secretary general, said he had told Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken last week that the Palestinian Authority sought “a commitment from the U.S. administration, with a comprehensive political decision that would include the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.”
Speaking to The New York Times on Tuesday in Ramallah, the West Bank city where the Palestinian Authority is headquartered,
Mr. al-Sheikh said that Palestinian leaders were looking for “a serious American initiative that would force Israel to abide by it, to commit to it.”
He added, “This current U.S. administration is capable of doing that.”
His message is both a relief and a challenge to the White House, which has been groping for a path out of the worst violence in decades between Israel and Hamas, the extremist group that controls Gaza. American officials say the Palestinian Authority must play a central role in Gaza after Israel completes its military mission to destroy Hamas, which the authorities say killed 1,400 civilians and soldiers in its Oct. 7 attacks.
The Palestinian Authority, which administers the West Bank, has signaled that it is willing to take on a such a role.
But it is making its participation contingent on a commitment by President Biden to plunge into a diplomatic challenge that has eluded several of his predecessors: an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians to create two sovereign states, living side by side in peace.
Such a deal, Mr. al-Sheikh said, would have to settle core issues that have stymied peacemakers for three decades: Israel’s withdrawal from the West Bank, where more than 700,000 Jewish settlers now live, and the political status of East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians regard as their capital.
Mr. al-Sheikh said he had no confidence that the current Israeli government, which has pushed to annex large parts of the West Bank, would agree to those terms. “Where is the partner on the Israeli side?” he asked.
“Teaching Kamala” — https://progressives.substack.com/p/teaching-kamala
Netanyahu and Israel rejected Palestinian statehood then and Netanyahu rejects Palestinian statehood today, tomorrow and forever.
Problem is, Netanyahu has repeatedly stated that Israel will never, ever comply with U.N. Res. 242 under any circumstances whatsoever.
Further, it’s not entirely clear that Israel’s leftwing are ready and willing for Israel to comply with U.N. Res. 242 and withdraw to their original borders and leave the settlements behind.
To make matters worse, most people have no idea the legal rights of the Palestinian people, much less how their rights apply in this illegal Israeli occupation and blockade of the Palestinian territories.
Most people have a very fundamental misunderstanding of how int’l law applies to a state-sponsored occupation of a civilian population.
Most people don’t know that a civilian population enjoys a legal and moral right to form armed resistance groups.
Most people don’t know that a state actor such as Israel has no legal right to “defend Israel” from an armed resistance group under Israeli illegal occupation of a civilian population.
Netanyahu and Joe Biden’s premise that Israel will not stop until they “Root out Hamas” is a false premise and shows a fundamental misunderstanding or disregard for the legal rights of the Palestinian people to form and maintain armed resistance groups; further, an intelligent person should realize that ANY PALESTINIAN ARMED RESISTANCE GROUP will be reconstituted and refilled by the survivors of Israeli airstrikes and Israel MOWING THE GRASS every few years.
The U.S. Ziomedia and the Biden admin speak as if Hamas are making Palestinians join Hamas at gunpoint.
It wouldn’t be hard to imagine that for every Israeli airstrike, perhaps hundreds of young Palestinians eventually enlist in a Palestinian armed resistance group.
Young Palestinians are so “crazy” they seek things like freedom from their captors Israel, seek the ability to protect their civilian population from Israeli attacks.
Netanyahu intentionally operates a self-fulfilling prophecy of death and regularly-scheduled mass murder of Palestinians.
Netanyahu is a hardcore terrorist megalomaniac who says it is not enough to “Root out Hamas” – Netanyahu says Israel must stop Palestinians from radicalizing students, by going into the Palestinian schools and teaching Palestinian children to stop hating Israel.
Netanyahu used Joe Biden’s bombs to blow at least one arm or leg off over 10,000 Palestinian children, who would attend school with one leg or one arm, but Netanyahu destroyed all the schools in Gaza; who would go to the Mosque and pray but Netanyahu destroyed over 350 mosques in Gaza with Joe Biden’s bombs.
President Biden and the radicalized, Christian nationalist, U.S. Congress are funding, arming, supporting and protecting Israel’s war crimes, mass murder, state-sponsored extermination of the Palestinian people.
Israel doesn’t have the right to “Root out Hamas,” much less tell Palestinians what to do in their schools.
Netanyahu reminds me of Florida Governor Republican Ron DeSantis, who shares Netanyahu’s racist, barbaric instincts to DENY ACTUAL HISTORY BEING TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS and want to replace real history with racist pipe dreams.
You know, just like ADL and Harvard University administration officials who are scared shitless they’re going to offend and upset Jewish students by teaching actual Palestinian history in Harvard classrooms.